Monday, August 30, 2010

Repurposed Cereal Boxes, Mod Podge, and A Glue Gun. :)

Harmony and I had the best time today finally utilizing several of the cereal boxes that I have set aside to upcycle as book holders/magazine holders.  I had so much fun decorating Harmony's, using Mod Podge and tissue paper..and then I made the cute flower out of coffee filters, some nail polish for the outer tips of the outer flower, and then pink tissue paper.  How fun!!
I made one for the babies room but have to say that my project book holder didn't come out like I had planned.  The materials I decoupaged were not exactly what I was looking for when I saw the finished product.  Hmmm..I even tried sprucing it up with marbles.  Hmm... I'll have to try that one again later.

So..on to the next, right?  I have been thinking of all of these creative idea's for wall decor for the kid's rooms because why buy it when yo can me it?  Harmony and I love making shadow boxes and have on several different occasions, or used them for scene plots for Barbies/Ponies, etc.  I came up with an idea to create something that would coordinate with her new book holder.  I used an empty box that our Wii came in when we purchased it in January (can you believe we had it for that long????? YIKES).  I then used the same steps for the flower that I did for the book holder but designed it a little differently.  I love the way it came out and had to share!  

P.S.  I also used my glue gun for these projects like I usually do.  It never gets enough credit.  ;)

Have a great day and happy creating!!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Upcoming Projects and "Thank-You's"

Thank you blog mom's and every creative blogger out there for providing your viewers with tutorials on such phenomonal craft creations!

I have so many plans and ideas that are consuming my every being.  I am so inspired by fellow blogger's out there that are making, creating, and showing their artistic capabilities.  There are so many beautiful creations and innovations that MOVE me.  I look at every piece of furniture in my house that I don't particularly like..You know, those pieces that you discuss with your husband about tossing and purchasing a newer, updated version?  ..I will toss nothing but rather take on the hobby of repurposing and refurbishing it myself!  I am soooo excited!

Just thought I'd share my crafty aspirations and say it out loud!

Next on my list:

Project Bookshelf

Project Entertainment Center

I have a small black entertainment center that I purchased from Walmart many many years ago.  It is made out of cheap, crapola- particle board.  There are chipping sections around the edges toward the front where there is actually exposed particle board..Any ideas on how to refurbish this?  Can I strip the outer particle board casings that are embellishing the top edge of this fashion sore?

Thankful for inspiration, opportunity, and aspiring toward the goal!


Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Homemade Granola Bars...I mean, Cereal.

I always imagined that store-bought granola was exceptionally good for you and a healthly snack for my little one's.  One minute your enjoying it's gooey goodness..and the decide to turn over the wrapper.  At this point, you can basically assume that what you are consuming is just as healthy as a candy bar.  What was once so healthy, or so I thought, is now my mid-night sugar fix.  This led me on my journey to the possibility of creating my own granola.

I came across a recipe for homemade granola.  I honestly cannot remember the full recipe nor can I remember the source.  I do remember reading the article.  The recipe was created because of the individual's need for a healthier, less sugary, snack for her kids versus the high fructose syrup containing bars you purchase at your local grocer.  Things to put on your grocery list, each item is purely optional:

Quaker Oats (Old Fashioned)
Natural Honey
Almond Extract and Vanilla Extract
Dried Cranberries
Grapenuts (Barley= Fiber)
Rice Crispies
Honey (Holds combination together)

Mix together the oats and almonds and then put on a cookie sheet or in a baking dish and toast them for about 5-10 minutes at 350°.  

In the meantime, combine about a tablespoon of brown sugar, vanilla extract (a measurement to taste or what you prefer), almond extract, and honey. 

Cook on low heat until ingredients have melted. (doesn't take long!)

 *I have to say, that I wish I had planned ahead and actually purchased a FULL container of honey.  I needed more when I did the final combination..and I didn't have enough to make everything stick together..Therefore, "Hello Cereal!"  :)  

Combine honey mixture with dry ingredients.  If you want granola BARS make sure everything is coated with honey/the glue of the granola.

My stirrrr crazy, Harmonious.  :)
After I made sure everything was evenly mixed, I placed it back on my glass dish (it's hot from toasting dry ingredients so avoid edges).  The use of wax paper is optional.  I wanted it to be easier for smoother removal.  


Have a great evening and happy baking!  :)


Monday, August 23, 2010

Socks, A Glue Gun, and A Rainy Day.

Harmony's favorite channel, and the only channel that she's allowed to watch in the morning, is Sprout.  She got this notion in her head, (Thank you, Nina!), about creating a sock puppet.  We got all of our supplies together and prepped so we could plan a day to make sock puppets..and what better day to do it then on a rainy, gloomy day like today!

If I'm a betting person, which I'm not.. I would guess that almost every household has unwanted and unmatched socks that are useless.  I am one of those households!  I have a drawer that I've been meaning to go through of unwanted or unmatched socks..and today, I finally repurposed some of these poor material souls.  :)

Beginning Stages of a Dog Sock Puppet.  :)
Dog and Cats Tongue and Ears- These are lucky socks!
Snuggly (Cat) and Winnie (Dog)
Winnie, the dog puppet, has a pink tongue that is glued where the thumb goes.  I don't think you can see it in any of my pictures.  :(  The cat's tongue is not completely glued because Harmony wanted to make sure that it could give kisses.  

I am utterly in love with my hot glue gun, which goes to say that I am extremely happy with the way these came out!  The happiest person is Ms. Harmony..

Look at that smile!
Once it dried- Winnie sprang to life, immediately!

I made my first attempt this morning at Mod Podge.. I decoupaged a tin can.. I will be doing a tutorial on that soon.

Happy Crafting!  :)


Sunday, August 22, 2010

Free Parenting Magazines, Coupons, and Cook Book. :)

Would you like a FREE cook book from Jiffy?  Yes, Jiffy Cornbread!  ;)  Click the link below to get this cook book, free.  :)

Free Jiffy Cook Book 

I LOVE LOVE LOVE *free* parenting guidance, coupons, and more!!  Well, one of the best things about parenting is that there are so many resources out there to truly help you in your parenting journey!  Sign up for a year subscription of American Baby Magazine, Baby Talk Magazine, and Other Savings Offers Here.

This is one of my favorite FREE deals that I found-  Get a free coupon booklet containing $35.00 worth of savings from Home's Made Simple.  --->Free Coupon Booklet.

Thanks Money Saving Mom for great deals and steals!

Happy Frugal Sunday!  Have a great one!


Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Cherry Seeds, Sweet Potato Vines, and A Crazy Gardener.

I try to grow a lot of crazy things that come into my home and although most meet their end by becoming partially consumed, I usually save the leftover pits, and/or seeds.  :)

Example:  Potato Plant I have had for almost a year.  It's a sweet potato vine that grows, I cut it back, and then it grows some more.  Harmony and I, love it!!  I know that it's suppose to have more leaves..but I think a pretty little read-head enjoys plucking them off and using them as trees for barbies and such.  Here's our plant, below.

I recently stumbled upon a new gardening endeavor!  Love those!  We had cherries and I got this silly notion in my head that I might be able to grow more cherries from one of the cherry pits.  I decided to wash the pits/seeds and then place them in a small bowl of water to soak.  The cherry pits have been soaking in water for the last two days (I just wanted to see if I noticed a difference in the seed barrier breaking down, but nothing)..  I found this tutorial letting me know that not only can I grow cherry trees from the seeds/pits of cherries, but they can grow up to 8 feet high!!  Whewww buddy!

Photo Credit- (Country Brook, 2010)
We are going to attempt to grow a cherry tree by planting about 8 seeds.  I plan on decoupaging a tin can to use as the cherry seeds new, temporary, home.  :)  Pictures coming soon!  Wish us luck.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Leap Frog FREE ABC Book

If you register with LeapFrog and add leapfrog toys that you have for your babies- you can get a free ABC book. :) Just thought I'd share.  Thanks to Silly Eagle for letting me know about this wonderful freebie!!  We love books!

Go while supplies last..

Little Hands and Beans

Harmony and I have several gardening adventures that I usually find on preschool or elementary school science project websites.  Of course, we do so many gardening projects because I haven't been blessed with a green thumb and I tend to ..over water and kill all of our fun projects.  This gardening endeavor I actually remember doing in my science class when I was in fifth grade!!  Luckily, for Harmony, our plant is growing like a weed!

What did we do?

Bought an $.88 bag of Pinto Beans from Wally World.  We soaked about 20 beans overnight.  I know that that is A LOT of beans, but I'm not sure which ones are going to actually germinate growth so I selected more than necessary for hopeful germination.  We then drained the water the next morning, dampened a paper toilet, folded it in half, and then placed both paper towel and seeds (up to five) in a zip lock bag.  I want to say that about fifty percent of our beans actually were able to be planted, quite a lot more than I had intended.  The remaining either had mold growth from the bag moisture or didn't sprout at all.  Instead of throwing the remainder, unused beans out, you can throw them in your compost pile or in your garden.

For more information on creating a compost pile, click this link:

After about four-five days you have a sustained growth that is allowable for you to plant in a pretty pot, recycled tin can, or container, with soil.  We also recycle glass jars from spaghetti and other store bought items to use as glasses, so I utilized these for a small bean that Harmony wanted as her very own.  :)  It works like a green house for the little sprout.

Science Project Link:

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Rattles, Redheads, and Blogging

Good Day!!  This is my first, official, public blog!  I am very unfamiliar with blogging, or even how to do it properly.  I'm not even sure what the basis for my blog will be, still undecided.  If you have any ideas of how to fix my page, or adjust my sponsors (If I have, feel free to comment below with additional help or suggestions.

Why blog?  I figured that I would want to write about the fabulous ideas of crafting, decoupage, book altering, and plant growing that I do with my children daily.  I stay very busy keeping up with my house (yeah, RIGHT! HA!), taking care of my 4 month old little boy, and keeping up with my four year old little girl.  I have seen so many wonderful blogs that consist of green living, religious living (not in our house, so not for us!  I respect that regardless, though.) ..and finding creative ways of recycling and thrift.  I want my blog to be an inspiration to the person that is looking for a new idea for their children, breastfeeding help, craft ideas, and ultimately, ideas to pursue with their kids or family.  I am very family oriented and find that life is about loving and learning with the one's you love.  

My Babies!
My children keep me on my toes and although I have had four years to absolutely indulge in my daughter, Harmony, I cannot wait to have the same opportunities of learning and playing with my son, Mark Jr.  Harmony has been a delight to teach, to read with, to successfully complete each age milestone..she is my light!!  I feel that the last four years have flown by but were crammed full of love, devotion to one another, and to opportunity of having her home with me and out of the daycare system.  Harmony and I had so much fun together and now she's off to school, preschool, in early September.  I have complete confidence that she is socially ready and willing to leave the nest and fly free without me, because she tells me so.  :)  I'm excited for her.

My Amazing Family- Mark Sr., Mark Jr., ME :), and Harmony
My husband is amazing and truly the bestest friend I could have ever asked for.  Since our son has been born we haven't been able to find the time for each other like I wish we would be able to, but we're working on it.  He's my support system and shelter, my protector.  I'm in love with him and every attribute, good and bad.  He is an excellent provider, father, and husband ..and has allowed me to stay home with my babies while I have pursued my degree, online at Colorado Tech University.  I mean, don't get me wrong, I would love for him to "willingly" take out the trash or want to do the dishes..but he can't be THAT perfect.  lol.. Regardless, I am truly blessed to know a love like this, to have faith in a family like my own, and to wake up smiling (not always, so lets be real here..) every morning raring to go!  

Welcome and Blessings.

Candice and Family :o)

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