Here's our nice fun pile of books that we are pursuing for this month! Usually we keep our books anywhere between 1-2 weeks (an average of 12-20 books) and read most over and over again. There are some books that are geared towards our thematic units for preschool, while other's we read a chapter or two on a daily basis.
Charlotte's Web
is a "big girl" book that Harmony and I have been reading during storytime in the day and in the evening before bed. Although, as I read I ponder if the realistic farm life is a little too difficult for my little mini-me to grasp. She's intrigued, none the less and loves hearing about Wilbur's adventures.
Harmony loves the Fancy Nancy Series. We recently checked out Fancy Nancy: Every Day Is Earth Day (I Can Read Book 1)
and Fancy Nancy at the Museum (I Can Read Book 1)
. We have read almost all of the Fancy Nancy Books, and I cannot find one reason why every preschool girl who enjoys dress up and succumbing to the princess inside of them cannot enjoy the pleasurable experiences of these books.
Too Cute! We have "If you give a pig a pancake"..It discusses the adventures of pigs and the "fun" ..and some trouble that come along with them. Such a fun book!
Our thematic units for this week are birds and how to tell time. I do not go strictly to every single aspect of our lessons having geared towards our "theme" but I do try to keep the direction pretty clear, as to not confuse us. The following books will help us with coordinate with our lesson plans.
I can't wait to see how amazing these books are!
..And last but not least.. Some awesome baby books that Mark Jr. and I have been enjoying from our own personal library.
If you know of any great Valentine's Day books or more books on learning how to tell time, please share!!
Have a great Wednesday!
Candice S.
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